Sunday, October 27, 2013's been a while since my last post. Ok, longer than a while.
I know. I know. Bad blogger. Tsk tsk and all that jazz.
I'm not trying to make excuse, but this past school year was rough. Ok, so I'm totally making excuses, but it's the truth. Stressed doesn't even begin to describe how I felt last year. Everything suffered. My health. My writing. My relationship with God. No bueno, right?
Thankfully, I'm no longer in that situation. Hopefully, this year - my final year in AD - will be better and stressful.
You read right. This is my 3rd and final year in AD. I can't believe I'm already in my 3rd year! It's gone by so quickly, man.
Anywho, I'm hoping to get back to blogging cos, to be honest, I kinda miss it. It helps with my creative flow. This may be final year in AD, but this definitely does not mean I'm hanging up my "International Diva" hat.
Stay tuned...